

European Sectoral Social Partners in Education Striving for Sustainable Influence on European Education Policy Building Through Successful Social Dialogue

By | Social dialogue


The EFEE and ETUCE have concluded a third project assisting in social dialogue on the national level between education representatives and EU member states. The project highlights cases of good practice and the progress made as well as highlights recommendations for moving forward. Of these, greater investment in education, stronger social security for education workers and the continuous development of sector workers is particularly emphasised.

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Enhancing the Effectiveness of Social Dialogue Articulation in Europe (EESDA)

By | France


This study evaluates the current effectiveness and implementation of social dialogue in France. It does this through cross-sectoral analysis with interviews of key stakeholders and desk research. It concludes that, overall, social dialogue is deteriorating in effectiveness over time, despite increased involvement, and that it is being decentralised, preferring company decisions over sector decisions.

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Innovation, Learning Organizations and Industrial Relations

By | Case-study, Denmark, Social dialogue


Innovation may be seen as a process of knowledge creation and the speed and direction of knowledge creation reflects the organizational set-up of the firm as well as its investments in R&D and training. Establishing ‘a learning organization’ where horizontal interaction and
communication inside and across the borders of the firm is a major factor promoting knowledge creation in the context of a learning economy. An important issue is to what extent direct and indirect participation of employees in shaping the new form of organization is critical for its realization. On the basis of a unique data set covering 2000 Danish private firms it is demonstrated that firms combining several of the organizational traits of the learning organization are much more prone to introduce new products than the others. It is also demonstrated that such firms have involved employees in different forms of direct and indirect participation much more frequently than the
rest. As more sectors become exposed to the need to engage in incremental product and service innovation the economic potential of diffusing good practices in terms of organization and participation is growing and needs to be reflected in firm strategies and public policies aiming at promoting innovation and knowledge creation.

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Unions can increase efficiency: Ten examples

By | Case-study, Social dialogue

Millions of workers in different countries and in different times have sought to organize into unions. Whether or not a government’s laws facilitate organizing, there has been widespread demand by individuals for labor unions– as an expression of their freedom of association. In spite of higher costs that may be related to unions, workers have fought for the right to organize to tilt the balance of power from employers to workers, to provide due process procedures, and to ensure that workers earn an adequate living to support a family. Unions do not form out of thin air; they arise when individuals decide to come together to collectively address market inefficiencies and social problems.

These private actions of individuals make it clear that unions have some place in benefiting the economy. While the costs of unions are often brought up, politicians and the voting public must also consider the benefits of unions. This Illinois Economic Policy Institute (ILEPI) Economic Commentary investigates how unions can increase economic efficiency. The report outlines ten examples of unions positively improving the economy for the better:

1. Union workers earn higher wages and increase consumer demand;
2. Unions reduce socially inefficient levels of income inequality;
3. Union workers receive less government assistance;
4. Union workers contribute more in income taxes;
5. Unions increase productivity in construction, manufacturing, and education;
6. Unions reduce employee turnover rates;
7. Unions fight against child labor and for public education;
8. Unions fight against all forms of discrimination;
9. Unions collectively bargain toward efficient contracts; and
10. Unions fight against the “monopsony” power of owners, especially in sports.

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Social Dialogue at Enterprise Level. Successful Experiences

By | Bangladesh, Case-study, Nepal, Pakistan, Social dialogue, Sri Lanka

One of the main challenges that Asian countries are facing, and will continue to face in the coming years, is the need to adjust their economic and social systems in accordance with the process of globalization. This process cannot be managed equitably and efficiently without social dialogue among the main stakeholders. From the ILO’s perspective, tripartism and social dialogue are integral components of decent work and essential channels for achieving it. As stated by the ILO Director General “cohesive tripartism is the ILO’s bedrock”. The main goal of social dialogue is to promote consensus building and democratic involvement among the main stakeholders in key aspects relating to the work environment. The objective of this publication is to introduce concepts of social dialogue at the workplace, enumerate enabling conditions for social dialogue to work effectively, and demonstrate positive features of social dialogue with empirical studies.


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Progress and Potential: How Better Work is improving garment workers’ lives and boosting factory competitiveness

By | Social dialogue

To further understand the impact of its work, the Better Work Programme commissioned Tufts University to conduct an independent impact assessment. Since the programme’s inception, Tufts’ interdisciplinary research team has gathered and analysed nearly 15,000 survey responses from garment workers and 2,000 responses from factory managers in Haiti, Indonesia, Jordan, Nicaragua and Vietnam.

The analysis of these responses represents an in-depth evaluation of Better Work’s effectiveness in changing workers’ lives and boosting factory competitiveness. The researchers used different experimental strategies to evaluate the impact of the programme. These included a strategy to isolate the impact of the programme using randomised intervals of time – reflecting factories’ different periods of exposure to Better Work services – as well as a randomised controlled trial to evaluate the impact of the supervisory skills training.

By capturing this unique set of data and by establishing a rigorous analytical framework and methodology, the researchers were able to test – often for the first time – hypotheses on multiple issues including human resource management strategies, firm organization and global supply chain dynamics. Their assessment is an invaluable contribution to the world’s understanding of labour in global supply chains.


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Eliminating the worst forms of child labour

By | Guide, Social dialogue

Eliminating the worst forms of child labour involves a sustained combat that goes much beyond legislating: it presupposes a vision of society and of development. To be effective and sustainable, any action aimed at prohibiting and eliminating the worst forms of child labour should be inspired on the one hand by an awareness of the complexity of the economic, social and cultural issues involved; and on the other by practices that have proved effective. This Handbook aims at providing inspiration and guidance to this effect.

For the original source, please click here.


Good practices on the role of trade unions in protecting and promoting the rights of migrant workers in Asia

By | Cambodia, Malaysia, Social dialogue, Thailand


Tripartite Action to Protect Migrant Workers within and from the Greater Mekong Subregion from Labour Exploitation (the GMS TRIANGLE project) and Tripartite Action for the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers in the ASEAN Region (ASEAN TRIANGLE project) are working with trade unions in countries of origin and destination within ASEAN to enhance their role in promoting and protecting the rights of migrant workers.

Trade unions in countries of origin and destination have important roles to play in providing protection to migrant workers. There are many instances where trade unions in the Asia and Pacific region have been proactive in promoting a rights-based migration policy by participating in legislative reform processes; engaging in bilateral and regional cooperation between trade unions in sending and receiving countries; building trade unions’ capacity to respond to migrant worker issues through education and training; and reaching out to migrant workers by providing support services. Through this broad scope of actions, trade unions in the region are increasingly able to successfully represent the rights and interests of migrant workers in the enterprise, in the community and in policy dialogue.

This report documents selected good practices of trade union actions taken place in Cambodia, Hong Kong (China), Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Republic of Korea, Taiwan, China, Thailand, and Viet Nam. The activities outlined in this report have been conducted with the International Labour Organization (ILO), through ILO technical cooperation on labour migration and with technical support from the Bureau for Workers’ Activities (ACTRAV). Some cases independent of ILO technical assistance are included in the report for the purpose of
information sharing. By sharing these practices among trade union partners and other organizations, the report aims to encourage their replication; and in doing so, highlight the relevance of trade unions and further advance their role in the effective governance of labour migration.

For the original source, please click here.


Universal Declaration of Human Rights

By | Social dialogue

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a milestone document in the history of human rights. Drafted by representatives with different legal and cultural backgrounds from all regions of the world, the Declaration was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris on 10 December 1948 (General Assembly resolution 217 A) as a common standard of achievements for all peoples and all nations. It sets out, for the first time, fundamental human rights to be universally protected and it has been translated into over 500 languages.   To see the original document, click here.
