
Women workers

The Benefits of Collective Bargaining for Women: A Case Study of Morocco

By | Case-study, Morocco


This study uses the case study of the Confédération Démocratique du Travail (CDT) negotiated with Domaines Brahim Zniber Diana Holding Group in 2015 in Morocco to analyse the effect of collective bargaining on women and how the inclusion of women can alter the outcomes of the agreement. It concludes that collective bargaining agreements greatly impacts gender equality and benefits all workers by raising wages as well as facilitating broader social dialogue between workers, unions, employers and governments. An important takeaway is that the employer was supportive of the agreement throughout the process, and that even impactful agreements can be done amicably.

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Good practices and challenges on the Maternity Protection Convention, 2000 (No. 183) and the Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention, 1981 (No. 156): A comparative study

By | Australia, Benin, Chile, Macedonia, Moldova, Morocco, Niger, Paraguay, Social dialogue, Sri Lanka, Ukraine

The success of national and workplace strategies to promote women’s equal opportunities and treatment in labour markets and gender equality at work are dependent on adequate and accessible maternity protection and family-friendly services and measures. Supporting workers with family responsibilities also helps fathers to be more involved in care of their children and more equally share in responsibilities in the home.

Ten case studies concern Convention No. 183 in Benin, Moldova and Morocco and the Maternity Protection Convention (Revised), 1952 (No. 103) in Sri Lanka; as well as Convention No. 156 in Australia, Chile, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Niger, Paraguay and Ukraine.

For the original source, please click here.


Campaign Toolkit: Stop gender-based violence at work – support an ILO Convention

By | Guide, Tools and toolkits


This campaign toolkit aims to support unions and their allies in the following:

  • Understanding the ILO process;
  • Lobbying governments and employers to support the adoption of a comprehensive ILO Convention and Recommendation on violence and harassment in the world of work;
  • Developing key actions in campaigning for an ILO Convention; and
  • Building a broad cross-movement alliance to eradicate gender-based violence from the world of work.

For the original source, please click here.

A Social Labor for Social Dialogue: A Proposal to Improve Working Conditions for Women in the Guatemalan Apparel Industry

By | Guatemala, Social dialogue


The only two independent unions in the Guatemalan apparel industry are suffering a decline in union membership and have become impotent against management bullying. Guatemalan women workers, who make up 80 percent of the apparel industry workforce, face entrenched impediments to their participation in organized labor, effectively preventing them from improving workplace conditions. The underlying reason is that the Guatemalan culture of machismo creates physical and social barriers that deny women the opportunity to develop and exercise their agency in the workplace or in their union. This presents a quandary for legal and social schemes that rely on union-inspired worker activism to improve workplace conditions but that fail to consider the gender context that stunts women’s participation in organized labor. This paper proposes the Trade Fair Label, a social labeling scheme based on worker-manager social
dialogue units, that addresses the shortcomings of oft-utilized corporate social responsibility schemes and that defies the impediments created by the culture of machismo.


For the original source, please click here.


Violence Against Women at the Workplace

By | Benin, Case-study, Honduras, Indonesia, Social dialogue


Violence against women at the workplace is a major problem, though the statistical evidence is not well developed for many countries. This report aims at gaining a better insight into the extent to which working women are facing violence at work. The research focussed on the extent and characteristics of violence against women at the workplace and on the perpetrators of violence, notably bosses, co-workers or clients/patients/customers/pupils and similar. It focusses on women in the working age population (15-65 years of age), hence adolescent and adult women.

Our research focussed on sexual harassment and bullying at the workplace. It did neither cover domestic violence against women nor human trafficking and forced prostitution, because the causes and consequences of these phenomena are different from those of violence at the workplace, and so are the statistics. The research also does not include indirect violence against women, such as job insecurity due to flexibility of employment contracts. In addition, it will also not focus on gender-biased issues related to health and safety at work.

The research focussed on violence against women at the workplace in four countries: Honduras, Indonesia, Moldova, and Benin. Each country report starts with an overview concerning the female workforce in that country, followed by a description of the legal framework concerning violence at work. It then tries to provide an overview of the institutional responses to violence at work. Although data on the incidence of violence against women at work are mostly quite scarce, the research tries to estimate the frequencies of these types of violence in the countries at stake. Then, the reports provide anecdotal evidence of violence at work, and end with conclusions and recommendations.

For the original source, please click here.


Ending and Preventing Violence Against Women at the Workplace

By | Guide, Social dialogue

Gender based violence at the workplace continues to be one of the most harrowing forms of abuse of human rights where labor is concerned. Victims of this violence are not inclined to report it to the authorities often, because of the fear of retribution.

There is no international standard

Many countries have adopted laws against this specific form of violence. In practice these are often insufficient. There is, however, no international standard that could be the foundation for better regulations.

Towards an ILO convention

This is why the Governing Body of the International Labour Organisation ILO decided in November 2015 to put a standard setting item on the agenda of the 2018 International Labour Conference (ILC), under the name of ‘Violence against women and men in the world of work’. CNV Internationaal, together with trade union partner organisations, wants to focus on this topic in the run-up to the 2018 ILC.

To learn more about ways towards ending violence at work, check our guide.


For the original source, please click here.