
Worker voice

Country Information & Practical Advice on Freedom of Association & Collective Bargaining: BANGLADESH

By | Bangladesh, Collective Bargaining, Freedom of Association, Social dialogue


Freedom of Association (FoA) and Collective Bargaining (CB) are covered by two ILO core Conventions. Brands are Expected to respect these rights. This factsheet contains the most important information about FoA and CB in Bangladesh and provides practical tools for brands to get started. 

In addition, CNV International has developed a general factsheet about this topic. 

For the original source, click here 

Power of the Voice: Perspectives from workers and buyers on social dialogue within the Bangladeshi garment sector

By | Bangladesh, Meta-analysis


An analysis concludes that social dialogue in Bangladesh is severely lacking and union and trade union representatives are seen as ineffective and untrustworthy. Because of this, workers in the textile industry face bad working conditions and inadequate pay. Further interviews revealed that Swedish companies contracting these factories have issues in their auditing processes and both the Swedish government and companies, alongside the ILO, have expressed interest in improving their dialogue with Bangladesh and strengthening social dialogue in the sector.

For the original source, please click here

Worker Voice, Managerial Response and Labour Productivity: An Empirical Investigation

By | Social dialogue


This article investigates the relationship between worker voice practices, employee perceptions of managerial responsiveness and labour productivity. It argues that managerial responsiveness is a critical but under-investigated variable in the study of the relationship between worker voice, human resource management and performance. Our results suggest that managerial responsiveness to worker voice does lead to superior labour productivity. However, this relationship is only found in non-union workplaces and there is little relationship between formal voice regime and productivity. One important implication of this finding is that more responsive management will result in improved productivity, so policy interventions should focus on how to motivate managers to become more responsive to their employees.
For the original source, please click here.