

Social Services and their Representation in Social Dalogue in Bulgaria, Cyprus, Hungary, Lithuania, Malta and Romania

By | Cyprus, Hungary


This study assesses the inclusion of social services in tripartite, bipartite and collective bargaining at a national level in six EU member states: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Hungary, Lithuania, Malta and Romania. It does this through extensive surveys, interviews and focus groups throughout the nations in the different companies and representives in social services. It concludes that social service organisations are largely absent from social dialogue on a national level, and they have little influence on policy creation because of this.

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Trade unions and social dialogue: Current situation and outlook

By | Case-study, Hungary, Nepal, Social dialogue, South Korea, United States

What is it that accounts for the relatively recent infatuation with the term “social dialogue”? This is the question posed by the contributors Ozaki and Rueda-Catry, and also tackled by all the others from their respective standpoints as trade union leaders in confederations active at the national, regional and world levels and as specialists with an interest in labour relations issues.

For the original source, please click here.


Social Dialogue in times of crisis: Finding better solutions

By | Belgium, Brazil, Case-study, Chile, Czech Republic, Ghana, Honduras, Hungary, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Netherlands, Niger, Panama, Peru, Poland, Singapore, Social dialogue, South Africa, Sweden, United States

This paper looks at past economic crises to identify lessons that can be learned from industrial relations developments in different regions and varying circumstances. The paper describes the development of social dialogue in the early period of the current crisis in order to inform the reader about the forms and content of crisis-related social dialogue in different parts of the world and to provide national examples. It concludes by suggesting policy options. The paper also contains tables of national and enterprise-level cases documenting the role of social dialogue and industrial relations in addressing the employment impact of the crisis.


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