

Morocco: Economic, Social, Political and Institutional Situation and its Connection with Social Dialogue

By | Meta-analysis, Morocco


The development of the informal sector of Morocco through short-term contracts and the recent decisions of the government have led to a decline in the influence of social dialogue institutions like unions. The lack of ability of the unions to keep up with the changing demands of new workers and the solitary decisions of the government have led to groups leaving union representation and protesting on their own. The current state of bipartite and tripartite dialogue in the state need to be reassessed.

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Work for progress Labour Market Case Stories 2019 – Middle East and North Africa

By | Jordan, Meta-analysis, Morocco, Tunisia


The study highlights a set of case studies in the Mena Region, Middle East and North Africa, that demonstrate examples of good developments of social dialogue. These examples are urged to be taken up by various sectors in the region in order to further develop social dialogue to a sustainable level.

For the original source, please click here

The Benefits of Collective Bargaining for Women: A Case Study of Morocco

By | Case-study, Morocco


This study uses the case study of the Confédération Démocratique du Travail (CDT) negotiated with Domaines Brahim Zniber Diana Holding Group in 2015 in Morocco to analyse the effect of collective bargaining on women and how the inclusion of women can alter the outcomes of the agreement. It concludes that collective bargaining agreements greatly impacts gender equality and benefits all workers by raising wages as well as facilitating broader social dialogue between workers, unions, employers and governments. An important takeaway is that the employer was supportive of the agreement throughout the process, and that even impactful agreements can be done amicably.

For the original source, please click here

Good practices and challenges on the Maternity Protection Convention, 2000 (No. 183) and the Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention, 1981 (No. 156): A comparative study

By | Australia, Benin, Chile, Macedonia, Moldova, Morocco, Niger, Paraguay, Social dialogue, Sri Lanka, Ukraine

The success of national and workplace strategies to promote women’s equal opportunities and treatment in labour markets and gender equality at work are dependent on adequate and accessible maternity protection and family-friendly services and measures. Supporting workers with family responsibilities also helps fathers to be more involved in care of their children and more equally share in responsibilities in the home.

Ten case studies concern Convention No. 183 in Benin, Moldova and Morocco and the Maternity Protection Convention (Revised), 1952 (No. 103) in Sri Lanka; as well as Convention No. 156 in Australia, Chile, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Niger, Paraguay and Ukraine.

For the original source, please click here.


Social Dialogue in Morocco, Tunisia and Jordan: Regulations and Realities of Social Dialogue

By | Jordan, Morocco, Social dialogue, Tunisia

This report was commissioned by the Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion of the European Commission and carried out by the ITC-ILO. It is an input to the tripartite ad hoc work group on social dialogue, which was set up in the framework of co-operation on employment under the Union for the Mediterranean. The objective of the report is to provide a factual analysis of the present state of social dialogue in three selected countries: Morocco, Tunisia and Jordan. The report is based on desk research and interviews with high level actors in social dialogue, and external observers and academics.